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What is a Lasallian Education?

A Lasallian education is based on the teachings and vision of St. John Baptist De La Salle. For De La Salle, education meant development of the total person.

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Lasallian Teachers   St. John Baptist De La Salle

A School can be considered Lasallian:

  • when there is a profound respect for each student as a unique person,
  • when there is a spirit of community,
  • when the school offers quality education,
  • when it really merits the adjective Christian,
  • when it manifests solidarity with the poor and promotes the quest for justice and peace,
  • when its administrators and teachers have made their own the characteristics of Lasallian education,
  • when the school community is formed in reference to the story of John Baptist de La Salle.
  • In a Lasallian school, the Christian dimension permeates and shapes every aspect of school life: tone, atmosphere, spirit, signs, symbols, relationships, curriculum, requirements, policies, and regulations.
  • Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve is the motto for a Lasallian education.
  • A Lasallian Education proposes – but in no way imposes – Jesus Christ. At a Lasallian school, all students are treated with respect and care, whatever their religious beliefs.
  • To accomplish the goal of a Lasallian education, De La Salle knew, requires dedicated teachers.

Statement of Beliefs

We believe:

  • Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School believes that it bears witness to the person and the Gospel of Jesus Christ as He is understood in the Roman Catholic tradition and seeks to nurture in its students a lifelong relationship with God.
  • BLMHS believes that in being ambassadors of Jesus Christ, its administration, faculty and staff are called to minister to its students and help them both to discover and share their unique talents with others.
  • BLMHS believes in the teachings and mission of its Lasallian Founder and Patron Saint of Teachers, Saint John Baptist de la Salle.
  • BLMHS believes in Lasallian association as a means of integrating faith, service, and community.
  • BLMHS believes that in the evangelization of its students, the students are prepared to make sound, faith-based choices and assume leadership positions.
  • BLMHS believes it appropriately challenges its student to actualize their potential through diversified educational offerings.
  • BLMHS believes that it provides a safe learning environment for its students to take educational risks.
  • BLMHS believes, in accordance with the Lasallian teachings on social justice and preferential option for the poor, in the inherent dignity and worth of every person.

Adapted from original material created by the Brothers of Christian Schools, District of San Francisco. Used with permission.

Graduate Profile

  • A BLMHS graduate knows that he/she is a beloved child of God and is aware that s/he is in the holy presence of God.
  • A BLMHS graduate embraces Jesus’ two-fold mission: to love God with all your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself.
  • A BLMHS graduate possesses the academic, social, faith enriched, service oriented, and technical skills to successfully meet the challenges of higher education and society.
  • A BLMHS graduate is a critical and reflective thinker, proficient at both individual and cooperative learning.
  • A BLMHS graduate is a person of integrity who respects self and others, viewing diversity as a source of enrichment.
  • A BLMHS graduate has received the education and formation to serve societal needs and a preferential option for the poor.
  • A BLMHS graduate possesses and is animated by Lasallian Christian values, moral conviction, and leadership skills to promote social justice and to foster the common good.
  • A BLMHS graduate appreciates advances in artificial intelligence and technology, is prepared to utilize these advances and cognizant of the ethical issues associated with these advances.
  • A BLMHS graduate commits to use social media and technology consistent with the beliefs expressed in this profile.
  • A BLMHS graduate internalizes Jesus’ words: To whom much is given, much is expected.