Project Lead the Way
Biomedical Science Courses
All Biomedical Science Courses are Honors Courses and require that students take a PLTW administered EOC (End of Course) online test. Advanced scoring on the EOC test can potentially lead to college credit, preferential admissions and/or scholarship consideration by select colleges.
Engineering Courses
All Engineering Courses are Honors Courses and require that students take a PLTW administered EOC (End of Course) online test. Advanced scoring on the EOC test can potentially lead to college credit, preferential admissions and/or scholarship consideration by select colleges.
Course Descriptions
- Environmental Sustainability
- Principles of Biomedical Science (PBS)
- Human Body Systems
- Medical Interventions
- Introduction to Engineering Design
- Computer Science Essentials
Environmental Sustainability
Principles of Biomedical Science (PBS)
Human Body Systems
Medical Interventions
Introduction to Engineering Design
Computer Science Essentials
6th Annual White Coat Ceremony
Tuesday, November 21, 2023 with guest speaker Jendaya Workman '14