In Memoriam
We dedicate this page to the recent passing of those in our alumni and friends community. We extend our deepest sympathies to the families and friends of these individuals.
If you are aware of a death that is not listed here, please contact Mr. Mitch Turner at (718) 857-2700 ext. 2253 with more information.
"We have loved them during life; let us not abandon them in death, let us conduct them by our prayers into the house of the Lord"
In Loving Memory
Bishop Loughlin
JJoseph | Affatato | '70 | 2/24/20 |
Urban C. | Ambrose | '43 | 12/8/20 |
Robert N. | Amend | '49 | 5/23/21 |
G. Scott | Anderson | '65 | 6/13/19 |
Anthony | Barry | '80 | 3/2/21 |
Robert J. | Baumert | '53 | 6/29/21 |
Brian P. | Bentley | '59 | |
John | Boland | '50 | 11/2019 |
Justin | Bolger | '48 | 3/27/19 |
Drew | Bostinto | '72 | 7/13/22 |
Edward J.J. | Bowes | '60 | 7/31/20 |
Kyron | Bracey | '13 | 7/23/22 |
Anthony J. | Cardinal | '51 | 10/24/22 |
Michael | Carrano | '62 | 6/28/19 |
William | Clark | '61 | 1/24/19 |
John |
Connolly | '49 | 2/1/19 |
Edward J. | Conway | '73 | 9/21/20 |
Kevin | Conway | '60 | 2/5/20 |
Edward J. | Cooke | '52 | 5/6/22 |
Victor | Corrado | '43 | 7/19/19 |
Dave | Diamond Cox | '89 | |
John (Jack) H. | Croghan | '49 | 6/16/22 |
Frank | Crowley | '54 | 10/26/20 |
Frank | Dehler | '56 | 4/8/19 |
Joseph A. | Dehler | '59 | 10/17/20 |
Paul W. | Demm | '52 | |
Anthony J. | DeNapoli | '73 | 1/26/21 |
Ciro | Di Maso | '70 | 3/13/19 |
Eugene | Dieringer | '45 | 7/21/20 |
Richard H. | Dierkes | '54 | 4/2020 |
George | Doerr | '64 | 5/16/19 |
John A. | Dowd, Esq. | '50 | 7/20/21 |
John | Doyle | '49 | 9/11/19 |
Walter J. | Doyle | '53 | 2/24/23 |
Denis P. | Duggan | '41 | 9/5/22 |
Eugene | Dunn | '48 | 12/12/19 |
Yvette R. | Evans-Hall | '87 | 8/3/20 |
Nicholas V. | Farina | '73 | |
Julio | Fernandez | '70 | 9/25/19 |
Joseph R. | Ferrise | '60 | 1/5/19 |
Daniel | Ferrone | '52 | 6/18/19 |
James S. | Flanagan | '67 | 7/9/19 |
Paul | Flattery | '53 | 5/17/19 |
Frank | Flood | '48 | 5/8/19 |
James F. | Foster | '51 | 1/18/21 |
Ralph G. | Franzese | '72 | |
Robert | Fudjinski | '56 | |
Matthew | Furlong | '42 | 10/31/05 |
Anthony M. | Galgano Jr. | '61 | |
Frederic L. | Gannon, M.D. | '52 | 1/5/21 |
Stephen J. | Gaughran | '52 | 9/27/20 |
Michael | Gerbauckas | '58 | |
Richard A. | Gordon | '49 | 9/26/22 |
Thomas | Gorman | '59 | 6/16/20 |
Paul | Gormley | '53 | 5/8/19 |
Edward W. | Greason | '49 | 11/28/20 |
Joseph | Greco | '69 | 8/6/19 |
James | Greeley | '44 | 7/9/19 |
Eugene | Gregoretti | '67 | |
Roy | Haddock | '70 | 5/31/19 |
Charles | Haggerty | '45 | |
Tyrone M. | Hampton | '88 | |
James J. | Hartmann | '60 | 5/15/22 |
Herbert | Hauser | '48 | 10/5/19 |
Edward J. | Hawkins | '66 | |
James J. | Harvey | '55 | |
Lawrence | Hebel | '60 | 7/26/21 |
Francis | Hilovsky | '49 | 9/3/19 |
Hugh B. | Horning | '44 | 4/5/21 |
Stephen | Huggard | '57 | 1/9/19 |
Michael | Humen | '63 | 3/18/23 |
Brother Louis | Jaeger | '54 | 1/10/23 |
John | Jordan | '55 | 8/17/20 |
William | Juliano | '70 | 5/24/19 |
Leonard J. | Kaiser | '49 | 7/2020 |
James F., S.J. | Keenan | '55 | 8/13/23 |
Joseph | Kiefer | '54 | 1/25/19 |
John A. | Kilkeary | '50 | 12/17/19 |
John Henry Jr. | Kineke | '49 | 11/29/20 |
Katheryn | Klem | '76 | |
Carl S. | Koch | '51 | 1/24/22 |
John | Kraus | '60 | 2/13/20 |
Martin | Kreppein | '70 | 10/14/22 |
Bruce A. | Laraque | '76 | |
Charles | Letteri | '52 | 3/19/19 |
Edward | Lockley | '50 | 6/16/20 |
James | Mack | '53 |
7/10/19 |
George Francis | MacLean | '61 | 8/26/22 |
Robert P. | Maher | '53 | 7/12/22 |
Elia | Malara | '76 | 1/25/19 |
Thomas A. | Maloney | '54 | 12/10/21 |
Rudolph C. | Marotta | '50 | |
Joseph | Martos | '60 | 3/25/20 |
John F. | Mason | '57 | 3/30/20 |
James G. | McCauley | '61 | 2/24/19 |
Hugh | McGrane | '46 | 4/10/19 |
Joseph R. | McGuigan | '69 | 7/29/22 |
James E. | McHugh | '44 | 10/16/20 |
James V. | McKeough | '58 | 12/31/22 |
Patrick | McKeown | '45 | 3/20/19 |
William | McManus | '46 | 6/27/19 |
Peter | McNerney | '63 | 10/23/19 |
Neil | McShane | '53 | 3/6/19 |
George J., DDS | McVey | '45 | 6/14/22 |
Frank | Meier | '50 | 3/27/19 |
John | Milewski | '57 | 11/2/19 |
Henry | Miller | '49 | |
James | Mitchell | '60 | 12/4/19 |
William | Modzelewski | '70 | 7/21/20 |
Jeff | Montgomery | '77 | |
Kevin | Moriarty | '64 | |
Martin | Morris | '55 | 5/21/20 |
Brother John, FSC | Muller | '51 | 6/4/23 |
Harold J., Jr. | Murray | '60 | 2023 |
Timothy J. | Murray | '55 | |
Thomas J. | Myers | '53 | 7/11/21 |
Destiny | Nazaire | '19 | |
Kenneth G. | Neibel MD | '56 | 10/11/18 |
John | Newell | '50 | 3/2/20 |
Albert | Nittoly | '51 | 5/1/20 |
Estate of Patrick and Carol | Nolan | '56 | 10/15/19 |
James | Nugent | '43 | 7/6/21 |
James A. | O'Brien | '66 | 11/4/21 |
Joseph | O'Brien | '48 | 11/2021 |
Thomas H. | O'Connor | '52 | 4/7/22 |
Charlie | O'Donnell | '59 | 6/28/23 |
Father Walter O'Donnell, ST. (John Dermody O'Donnell) | '46 | 5/10/21 | |
Henry | Oswald | '49 | 1/11/19 |
Perren | Page | '57 | 5/14/20 |
Michael D. | Palumbo | '65 | 11/23/21 |
James | Pecqueux | '44 | 4/17/19 |
Joseph | Peters | '54 | 7/6/20 |
John R. | Pezzolla, Jr. | '77 | |
John W. | Podkowsky | '62 | 7/9/23 |
Michael A. | Porto | '66 | 8/15/20 |
Harry F. | Pritting | '44 | 12/25/16 |
Charles | Quinn | '43 | 11/7/19 |
Joseph F. | Rimkunas | '57 | 1/29/19 |
Joseph A. | Rini | 10/3/19 | |
Willette | Roberson | '79 | 6/22/20 |
Michael D. | Roberti | '69 | 8/31/21 |
Michael | Rowland | '64 | |
Al | Sager | '55 | 4/23/21 |
Anthony | Sallustio | '54 | 3/2/21 |
Carmen | Sanchez-Zambrano | '77 | |
Arthur | Schlosser | '48 | 4/7/20 |
Lawrence | Schmidt | '42 | 11/14/19 |
Thomas | Schnatz | '61 | 10/30/19 |
John P. | Schofield | '41 | |
Henry C. | Seiler | '58 | |
James | Sensale | '70 | 3/7/19 |
David | Shamoun | '72 | 12/6/20 |
Henry | Skalcowski | '55 | 5/8/21 |
William | Sluka | '51 | |
Gerard J. | Smith | '50 | 12/29/20 |
Philip | Smith | '61 | 12/11/19 |
Anthony | Sofia | '77 | |
Vincent | Soriente | '66 | 4/28/20 |
Henry | Spinner | '49 | 8/17/20 |
John R. | Starkey | '49 | |
Robert J. | Staudohar | '49 | 4/16/20 |
Daniel | Sullivan | '46 | 11/22/19 |
Gerry | Sullivan | '73 | 9/11/75 |
Joseph | Termini | '54 | 4/4/19 |
Paul | Townsend | '65 | 7/21/20 |
Gabriel J. | Trotta | '53 | 1/31/22 |
Ralph | Valen | '57 | 11/19/20 |
Emil | Viola | '55 | 1/4/19 |
Thomas | Visceglie | '48 | 4/21/19 |
John | Vorst | '53 | 5/21/19 |
James | Vreeland | '51 | 5/15/19 |
Paul | Wallace | '47 | 3/2021 |
Daniel | Walsh | '63 | 12/2017 |
Myles A. | Walsh | '53 | 12/15/21 |
Wallace E. | Washington | '85 | 2/20/21 |
Lawrence | Waterhouse | '55 | 1/24/20 |
William (Bill) V. | Weithas Jr. | '47 | 9/23/20 |
Robert | Williamson | '46 | 3/2/20 |
Michael B. | Zaccaro | '63 | 2/22/22 |
Julian | Zawlocki | '52 | 5/28/21 |
Peter F. | Zullo | '59 | 5/1/17 |
Bishop McDonnell
Rosalba |
Arabia |
'51 |
Virginia |
Balluff-Freestone |
'37 |
Kathleen |
Barbieri-Jensen |
'57 |
Joan |
Belohlavek-Malone |
'54 |
Veronica |
Bermudez-Fenlon |
'66 |
Kathleen |
Booras-Belle |
'61 |
Marilyn |
Bracchi-Ryan |
'58 |
Helen |
Brown-Picciano |
'44 |
Jane |
Carew-Costello |
'53 |
Carolann |
Casey-Zani |
'59 |
Cookie | Clare-Perri | '71 | |
Carol | Collins-Mascioli | '62 | |
Joan | Colossano-Ryan | '55 | |
Bette |
Cooney-Chiampou |
'44 |
Jeanne | Coppinger-Olson | '66 | |
Kay |
Crumlish |
'58 |
Arlene | Cunningham-Stapleton | '57 | |
Geraldine |
Czenszak |
'49 |
Sr. Lucille (Sr. Peter Magdalen) | D’Amelio OP | '60 | 8/16/2023 |
Marilou C. | Darrow-Castiglia | '61 | |
Patricia |
Dean |
'69 |
Winifred | Donnelly-Kiernan | '42 | 11/12/2020 |
Sandra |
Doshner |
'64 |
Jeanne |
Dougherty-Murray |
'49 |
Mary |
Downing-Lydon |
'54 |
Ann |
Doyle |
'44 |
Eileen |
Dunn-McQuiston |
'42 |
Darlene |
Flynn |
'69 |
Patricia |
Fries |
'58 |
Theresa |
Gaffney-Pinto |
'50 |
Elizabeth |
Garvey-Ahern |
'59 |
Patricia |
Gaughan |
'70 |
Elizabeth |
Geyer |
'49 |
Sr. Ave Regina (formerly Elizabeth Gould) | Gould | '48 | 7/30/2023 |
Ann |
Graham-Ward-Gannon |
'50 |
Patricia A. | Gray | '50 | 10/12/2022 |
Liz |
Guido-Beckwith |
'56 |
Virginia | Hallerton-Dunn | '55 | |
Theresa |
Haughney-Lazarus |
'47 |
Margaret |
Hayes-Adame |
'57 |
Veronica |
Herbert-Brooks |
'59 |
Anne |
Hess-Brodgesell |
'59 |
Patricia |
Jennings |
'59 |
Frances | Kaiser-Wos | '60/'61 | |
Jacqueline |
Kehoe-Powers |
'52 |
7/5/2020 |
Carole |
Kuklis-Oberheim |
'59 |
Dolores |
Lavella-McGuire |
'54 |
Joan | Laverty-Rafferty | '57 | |
Patricia |
Logan |
'59 |
Mary Ann |
Lynch-Donohue |
'55 |
Kathleen |
Manning-Stanavitch |
'60 |
Jeanne |
Marek-Ferri |
'50 |
Dorothy |
Martin-Passarelli |
'60 |
Lila |
May |
'59 |
Irene | Mazur Cody | '71 | 3/9/2021 |
Grace |
McCloskey |
'59 |
Christine |
McCluskey-Greenfield |
'64 |
Mary |
McCole-O'Connell |
'58 |
Kathleen |
McLoughlin |
'59 |
Alicia |
Medlow-Snakard |
'55 |
Louise | Messina-Sena | '58 | |
Virginia Ann | Middleton-Hanley | ||
Sr. Victoria | Mildred Gabriel, OP | '47 | 3/27/2021 |
Mary |
Moylan-Wetzler |
'49 |
Sheila |
Noonan-Meindl |
'59 |
Patricia |
O'Neill-Loughlin |
'56 |
Eileen | O'Shea-Cotter | '63 | |
Mary |
Olbeter-DeMott |
'49 |
Mary Jane |
Petrosino-Spede |
'53 |
Georgette |
Pilkington-Vizzini |
'62 |
Marie Elaine |
Pinciotto |
'64 |
June |
Prier-Butler |
'47 |
Marie |
Ricigliano-Giehler |
'45 |
Eileen | Romer Palumbo | '58 | |
Teresa |
Rosa-Asaro |
'68 |
Rosemary |
Ryan-Monroe |
'43 |
7/7/2020 |
Jessica | Salisbury Maher | '58 | 1/1/2017 |
Nuala |
Scanlan-Sheen |
'57 |
Catherine |
Schick |
'46 |
Margaret |
Schwaiger |
'54 |
Kathleen | Seery | '54 | 11/5/2020 |
Barbara |
Sheehan-Robinson |
'58 |
Lynn |
Soerensen-Thornton |
'57 |
Mary | Stachow-Dee | '63 | |
Catherine |
Tahaney |
'48 |
Lillian | Tucci | '56 | 6/14/2023 |
Margaret |
Tucker-Corkett |
'58 |
Paula | Van Horn-Dineen | '52 | 2022 |
Elizabeth |
Vigiarolo-Clyne |
'58 |
Margaret |
Vincent |
'53 |
Kathy | Wall | '61 | |
Rose Anthony |
Walshak |
'44 |
St. Augustine
Anthony |
Brienza |
'62 |
James |
Crane |
'63 |
James |
Feeney |
'49 |
Br. Peter A. |
Fitzpatrick |
11/21/2020 |
Edward |
Gannon |
'40 |
Robert |
Harrington |
'43 |
James |
Kelly |
'48 |
David |
Kinscherf |
'69 |
Thomas S. Esq |
Kirk |
'41 |
John | Loosen | '66 | 2/2021 |
Frank J. |
Maguire |
'48 |
7/2020 |
William |
Murphy |
'60 |
John L. |
Noone |
‘52 |
2/11/2020 |
Jeffrey | O'Brien | '70 | |
John |
O'Connor |
'57 |
John |
O'Sullivan |
'42 |
Richard |
Oehler |
'58 |
John |
Pelletier |
'64 |
Carl |
Price |
'47 |
Nicholas |
Vlatys |
'62 |
Lewis |
Wade |
'63 |
Friends of
Brother John, FSC | McManus | Loughlin Faculty |
Basil |
Bliss |
Loughlin Faculty |
Jane |
Gopen |
Raphael |
Longobardi |
Marie |
Hegarty |
Pamela | Turzo | BLMHS teacher |
Sister Catherine Smith, SC |
(formerly known as Miriam Magdalen, SC) |
BMcD Teacher |
Sister Frances Devine, SC |
(formerly known as James Marie, SC) |
BMcD Faculty |
Sister Mary Aquin Flaherty, SC |
BMcD Faculty |
Sister Margaret Angelovich, SC |
(formerly known as Regina Margaret, SC) |
BMcD Faculty |
Sister Maureen McDermott | (known as Sister Saint Hugh, CSJ '48 | BMcD Faculty |