Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow

Shadow Day Request

Shadow Days

If you are an eighth-grade student interested in learning more about Bishop Loughlin, we invite you to spend a day with a Loughlin Student. You will have the opportunity to observe classes, use our facilities, meet the faculty, ask questions, have lunch in our cafeteria, and enjoy the full Loughlin experience.

 Students should be dressed appropriately in professional attire:

  • Young Men: dress pants, dress shoes, collared shirt/polo shirt;
  • Young Women: dress pants, dress skirt, collared shirt/polo shirt OR students may choose to wear their school uniforms.
  • No sneakers, jeans, miniskirts or flip-flops are permitted.

Shadow Days must be arranged by a parent or guardian. We suggest checking with your child’s school to find a day when your child’s schedule allows him/her to spend a full day at Bishop Loughlin. Contact the Admissions office at 718-857-2700 X1 should you have any questions or concerns.


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